
Community Champion
Director of Academic Technology
Jun 15, 2016 3:33:15 PM
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Currently working at UC Office of the President. Previously worked at UC Davis where we completed a move from Sakai to Canvas, and before that I was at UC Merced where I served on the project team involved with moving from Sakai to Canvas. Employed at the University of California for over 27 years, working at both UC Davis, UC Merced, and now UC Office of the President. Started at UC Davis as a student employee in the IT Training group, and have held staff positions managing academic technology services, IT student services, IT Help Desk, and desktop support services.

Most Liked Posts

I hadn't found anything in the community that aggregated the information, so I thought I'd share some details from an interaction I had with Canvas Support while researching which content appl...
Likes: 23
Thank you for communicating in advance about these changes, and providing the detail about what will be supported after January 16th.Though this is a lengthy list, "Starting 16 January 2021, only ...
Likes: 12
Hi Deactivated user‌,I can't support  @venitk 's comment more strongly, "I would really really love it if you spent it addressing the functional aspects of why students struggle with C...
Likes: 10
Hi Sam, what are your target dates for those remaining items to be incorporated into the Feature Preview? By January?  We want to know that there will be adequate time for you all to address bugs, and...
Likes: 8
Hi @jsailor , I am told that when this is deployed, that the New Quizzes outcome will only report back for the institution level outcomes/reports, and not for sub-account level outcomes.  If this ...
Likes: 8

Most Recent Posts

A suggestion some other quick(?) wins... - Our faculty would like to be able to filter by Section in the People tool.  (this is already possible in the mobile app) - Our faculty would like to be able ...
Jun 07, 2024 17:10 PM
I have the same question and same concern as @danaleeling who stated: "You'll be able to edit points and descriptions after creating a criteria from an outcome, with outcome alignment com...
May 13, 2024 15:51 PM
Hi @zachp , These are exciting new features.  When you say "enhanced analytics solution that will be offered as an add-on to Canvas customers", I assume that means that this will not be in...
May 01, 2024 13:01 PM
Hi Sam, I'm sorry if I missed your response to this and missed it, but I wanted to follow up to see if these video resources have been created and if you could provide links. These would be incred...
Feb 22, 2024 16:52 PM
Data is refreshed for published courses in the New Analytics dashboard every 24 hours. Report data may be delayed by 24 hours; however, Course Activity Report data may be delayed by 40 hours.  We are ...
Feb 15, 2024 13:06 PM

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