Karl Steinbrecher
Community Explorer
Digitial Instructional Technology Library
Sep 25, 2023 6:00:27 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Hello, I understand there are 2 API's lets say the regular API:Accounts - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation (instructure.com)and Data Access Platform Libraryinstructure-dap-client · PyPIIs it ok t...
Hello Pepe, I have been working on a similar project, and bottom line how you get there depends on where you're starting from. Can you send me a dm at ksteinbrecher@smuhsd.org?
Hello, I'm having trouble with the DAP CLI version 1.1.0 on a windows 11 machine.I got a new client id and secret , the I ran:set DAP_CLIENT_ID=...set DAP_CLIENT_SECRET=..set DAP_API_URL...
I run into this type of problem as well.Abstractly, I want to allow someone to do something specific when they don't have permission to do the general thing. e.g. this teacher can look at their st...
yes, I reprovisioned the instance w/ 32gb ram and it went through on the first try
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Hello, I'm having trouble with the DAP CLI version 1.1.0 on a windows 11 machine.I got a new client id and secret , the I ran:set DAP_CLIENT_ID=...set DAP_CLIENT_SECRET=..set DAP_API_URL...
I run into this type of problem as well.Abstractly, I want to allow someone to do something specific when they don't have permission to do the general thing. e.g. this teacher can look at their st...
yes, I reprovisioned the instance w/ 32gb ram and it went through on the first try
Hello, I'm hoping someone has seen this and knows how to fix it.I'm trying to load the scores table in DAP and this is repeatable for me:Step 1: Drop the scores tableStep 2 Initialize the scor...
Sorry it is not clear to me what you are asking. What is an example of 'student submit the programming problem'?What is an example of 'return the score'?
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