Brian Boyd
Sep 12, 2023 4:42:08 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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There are a lot of podcasts on AI. If you could customize a podcast focused on AI in Higher Ed, what would you like to hear? Any feedback on topics, length of episodes, frequency of episodes, types of...
Very interesting, Jenny. Our Pria AI allows for uploading of custom documents like Canvas rubrics (and any other documents from the instructor or institution). Grading from that may not be a huge leap.
Hey Ryan, love the pod! I'd like to hear from some higher ed folks who are using AI in the classroom and some higher ed folks who would LIKE to use it but don't know where to start and/or how ...
Hi Jasmiene,
Our company Praxis AI is fully integrated with Canvas and you can have your own instance. You can upload your own materials (syllabus, documents, videos) as well as get access to 28 trust...
Thanks, Elvia! This is exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for. Frequency and duration are always tough to gauge. I like weekly. When you say "short," is 30 minutes too long? Love the id...
Most Recent Posts
Hey Ryan, love the pod! I'd like to hear from some higher ed folks who are using AI in the classroom and some higher ed folks who would LIKE to use it but don't know where to start and/or how ...
@SUMONSAHA007 At Praxis AI, we have several HBCUs and AIHEC institutions doing some amazing things with AI. We're completely integrated with Canvas, LLM agnostic (use whichever one you want, c...
Hi Jasmiene,
Our company Praxis AI is fully integrated with Canvas and you can have your own instance. You can upload your own materials (syllabus, documents, videos) as well as get access to 28 trust...
Hi Jasmeine,
At Praxis AI, we're fully integrated with Canvas and yes, we set up at the course level. You can personalize the AI mentor in some very creative ways and have it ingest your syllabi a...
Thanks, Elvia! This is exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for. Frequency and duration are always tough to gauge. I like weekly. When you say "short," is 30 minutes too long? Love the id...
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