
Sonya Corcoran
Community Contributor
Sep 21, 2016 7:49:56 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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LEARN LTI WITH ME, A NOOBIE!I'm an educational designer turned web developer. Since there's no such thing as a silly question, I thought I would share all my questions on LTI to help others le...
Likes: 18
Hi Allan, I too am getting started and have the exact same questions.Although, I'm a junior dev so not THAT good on the Rails side of things.I found  @garth  's 3 Part blog on Getting Star...
Likes: 7
The Problem: How can we embed Lynda.com playlists into Canvas? The Lynda.com LTI share link provided allows Single Sign On (SSO) only. This is nice for students/staff but it won't embed videos dir...
Likes: 6
This morning I found Microsoft's QnA Maker qnamaker.aiHighly recommend it. And as the test ai is embedded in an iFrame - you can drop it straight into Canvas.Simply prepend the iframe `#webCha...
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Thanks  @garth  and stefaniesanders for catching the duplication.I also found AtomicJolt's OAuth walk through really helpful from understanding the structure of a Rails App.Ruby Ep. 6: OmniAut...
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also - once jQueryUI is deprecated, do you think it's possible to query the api for all instances of the enhanceable classes and programatically update them? Thoughts!?!
May 30, 2017 18:04 PM
I have this question also Deactivated user‌ - i.e are the ReactUI components on the HTML editor whitelisted?
May 30, 2017 18:00 PM
Yes! Cannot vote this up enough.Pretty standard mail client feature is to tell you who sent the email and to style it accordingly (see above)Also, a no-reply@instructure.com would be better or all...
May 25, 2017 20:15 PM
I like the ChromeVox extensions - it works really well in Canvas esp. tabbing through.
May 15, 2017 17:41 PM
Thanks for sharing.Originally I was typing "context_codes[]=course_1". Then I read you post and it clicked that I only needed to add "course_1" for the call to work.
May 03, 2017 18:34 PM

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