
Community Participant
Mar 22, 2023 9:07:00 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Thank you @JamesSekcienski ,  In our in-house SIS we list assignment submissions that are complete and graded excluding those with hidden grades.  Recently we noticed an instructor who had uploade...
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For assignment submissions I've had success using the Submissions API pulling submissions by course with an added parameters workflow_state == 'graded', student_ids[]=all to th...
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@James , Thank you, outstanding, this is most helpful.  My script went from 4+ hours of runtime down to 30 minutes. GraphQL is on my to do list. I did some training on it last year but haven&#...
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How do I get a copy of the Canvas GraphQL schema for import into Postman? I'm able to run queries from Postman to my school's GraphQL endpoint but not import the schema via Postman's intro...
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In which table(s) in my school's Canvas Data 2 Postgres database would I find a mapping of cross-listed courses linking SIS ID of each course to the SIS ID of the course cross-listed into? From th...
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Most Recent Posts

Thank you @JamesSekcienski ,  In our in-house SIS we list assignment submissions that are complete and graded excluding those with hidden grades.  Recently we noticed an instructor who had uploade...
Jun 20, 2024 07:32 AM
Using the Submissions API, "List Submissions for Multiple Assignments" is it possible to restrict the query to return submissions with a workflow_state of either 'graded' or 'submi...
Jun 11, 2024 16:03 PM
For assignment submissions I've had success using the Submissions API pulling submissions by course with an added parameters workflow_state == 'graded', student_ids[]=all to th...
Apr 18, 2024 08:25 AM
@aydineylem , agree, I don't see a better way.  I looked at tables in Canvas Data 2 without success.  I ran into a similar problem today where on button click I want to retrieve a current Canv...
Feb 21, 2024 16:46 PM
@James , Thank you, outstanding, this is most helpful.  My script went from 4+ hours of runtime down to 30 minutes. GraphQL is on my to do list. I did some training on it last year but haven&#...
Feb 12, 2024 07:10 AM

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