
Julian Ebeli
Community Participant
Educational Systems Officer
Nov 21, 2016 4:07:33 PM
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Gardener, rock star, philosopher, revolutionary, pythonista. Sumo fan.

Most Liked Posts

The root account has an option Let sub-accounts use the Theme Editor to customise their own branding. This option applies to the entire institution.   It would be good if this option was available a...
Likes: 6
Hi. Our content guy came up with a way to colour code your courses using emojis. You can add coloured emoji circles to your course names by editing the course settings (if you have access). You can se...
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Could you make 2 versions of the assignment, each with a different rubric?
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Happy to be corrected, but it appears to me that the syllabus page is automatically generated and has no controls or filters. There are also no assignment properties which affect how the syllabus page...
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Having just re-imaged my machine, I needed to reinstall json lite. I wasn't working at first because you have to turn off firefox's own json render.GitHub - lauriro/json-lite: Fast non-blockin...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi. Our content guy came up with a way to colour code your courses using emojis. You can add coloured emoji circles to your course names by editing the course settings (if you have access). You can se...
Nov 14, 2024 19:46 PM
Hi There, You can go to the undelete URL for the course. just add "/undelete" to the course url, it should look something like this: https://my.instructure.instance.com/courses/123/undelete Yo...
Nov 14, 2024 17:38 PM
Hi there, What do you mean by archive? Do you want to hide the courses? Or stop them being used? Or delete them entirely? You can conclude all the courses in a particular term just by setting an end d...
Nov 14, 2024 17:34 PM
HI There. Not sure If I'm understanding your problem correctly but ... If you can put your courses in different subaccounts (you might need to create these), you could apply a custom theme to the ...
Nov 14, 2024 17:16 PM
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS Problem statement: When a section is cross-listed from one course to another, the donor course no longer has any visible evidence of the secti...
Mar 21, 2024 17:57 PM

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