
Amy Reed
Community Member
Nov 21, 2022 1:16:41 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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You can create an announcement to share important information with all users within your course and with users in sections of a course. In your notification preferences, you can choose to receive noti...
Likes: 2
The Cloze Math question allows students to easily enter math as a response, with advanced validation capabilities using math specific scoring methods. MyHealthAtVanderbilt Mobile AppThe student enters...
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TCI is different from other educational publishers because we recognize that every student learns differently and all students benefit from learning in multiple ways. That is why each of our K–12 less...
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You can put a Catalog Item in multiple Catalog Categories, but you can not put a Catalog Category in multiple Catalog Categories.
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Peer assessment can:Empower students to take responsibility for and manage their own learning.Enable students to learn to assess and give others constructive feedback to develop lifelong assessment sk...
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Most Recent Posts

The Cloze Math question allows students to easily enter math as a response, with advanced validation capabilities using math specific scoring methods. MyHealthAtVanderbilt Mobile AppThe student enters...
Jan 03, 2023 04:09 AM
You can create an announcement to share important information with all users within your course and with users in sections of a course. In your notification preferences, you can choose to receive noti...
Dec 29, 2022 02:54 AM
TCI is different from other educational publishers because we recognize that every student learns differently and all students benefit from learning in multiple ways. That is why each of our K–12 less...
Dec 24, 2022 03:13 AM
You can put a Catalog Item in multiple Catalog Categories, but you can not put a Catalog Category in multiple Catalog Categories.
Dec 20, 2022 21:44 PM
Peer assessment can:Empower students to take responsibility for and manage their own learning.Enable students to learn to assess and give others constructive feedback to develop lifelong assessment sk...
Dec 14, 2022 01:34 AM

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