
Fiona Lesoway
Community Member
Oct 28, 2022 11:11:44 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

In Canvas Quizzes, is there a way to require the student to answer all or specific questions before they submit the quiz? For example, I want to prevent a student from just guessing on all the Multipl...
Likes: 1
Thanks @gnoack and @Hildi_Pardo for confirming this is not possible - I was worried I was missing something. I agree it is a larger conversation, just interesting how the frequency of these is...
Likes: 0
Has anyone figured out if there is a way to change the generic comment that is posted when you use the Re-Upload Submissions feature to re-upload multiple students's work at a time? I would love t...
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Thanks @KevinMeredith someone on the Canvas Online Chat was able to assist my colleague and myself with this on Friday!
Likes: 0
I'm having the same issue! This is so frustrating - it is very difficult to assist remote learners! Did you ever get a solution?
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Most Recent Posts

Thanks @gnoack and @Hildi_Pardo for confirming this is not possible - I was worried I was missing something. I agree it is a larger conversation, just interesting how the frequency of these is...
Dec 01, 2023 10:37 AM
In Canvas Quizzes, is there a way to require the student to answer all or specific questions before they submit the quiz? For example, I want to prevent a student from just guessing on all the Multipl...
Nov 30, 2023 18:50 PM
Has anyone figured out if there is a way to change the generic comment that is posted when you use the Re-Upload Submissions feature to re-upload multiple students's work at a time? I would love t...
Feb 17, 2023 16:27 PM
Thanks @KevinMeredith someone on the Canvas Online Chat was able to assist my colleague and myself with this on Friday!
Oct 31, 2022 13:33 PM
I'm having the same issue! This is so frustrating - it is very difficult to assist remote learners! Did you ever get a solution?
Oct 28, 2022 12:12 PM

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