
Grace Rommelfanger
Community Novice
Oct 6, 2015 11:54:44 AM
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I have worked for Moraine Park Technical College for almost 5 year. I work as a Nursing Instructor on our Beaver Dam Campus.

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Rules, procedure, specifications, method, description, directions, or scoring guide; these are just a few synonyms used interchangeably with what we know as the rubric. As an instructor I tell the stu...
Likes: 7
My Instructrue Con Experience 2016Blog post created by Grace Rommelfanger, RN MSN September 12th, 2016I was privileged to attend Instructure Con 2016 in Keystone, Colorado. This was my second Instruct...
Likes: 1
Good Morning-Usually I like change, but have to say I do not feel the change to "composing messages" in Canvas is user friendly. I do not like how the courses populate for choosing, and that I...
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Good Morning-Usually I like change, but have to say I do not feel the change to "composing messages" in Canvas is user friendly. I do not like how the courses populate for choosing, and that I...
Feb 20, 2018 07:50 AM
My Instructrue Con Experience 2016Blog post created by Grace Rommelfanger, RN MSN September 12th, 2016I was privileged to attend Instructure Con 2016 in Keystone, Colorado. This was my second Instruct...
Sep 12, 2016 12:19 PM
Rules, procedure, specifications, method, description, directions, or scoring guide; these are just a few synonyms used interchangeably with what we know as the rubric. As an instructor I tell the stu...
Oct 29, 2015 09:23 AM

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