
Community Member
Oct 17, 2022 12:28:47 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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When I am grading an individual student's discussion posts in SpeedGrader, I would like to do two things: first, be able to click on a particular post and see it in the context of the overall disc...
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It is inexplicable to me that canvas doesn't allow me to attach the rubric to each essay. Especially since Blackboard allowed me to do so. I hope they fix this. In my opinion it is a major shortco...
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I created a midterm exam consisting of two essay questions. I attached a rubric, assuming that the rubric would be available for each question separately, as in Blackboard.But it turns out only one ru...
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Most Recent Posts

When I am grading an individual student's discussion posts in SpeedGrader, I would like to do two things: first, be able to click on a particular post and see it in the context of the overall disc...
Dec 12, 2022 13:43 PM
It is inexplicable to me that canvas doesn't allow me to attach the rubric to each essay. Especially since Blackboard allowed me to do so. I hope they fix this. In my opinion it is a major shortco...
Oct 25, 2022 11:55 AM
I created a midterm exam consisting of two essay questions. I attached a rubric, assuming that the rubric would be available for each question separately, as in Blackboard.But it turns out only one ru...
Oct 17, 2022 13:47 PM

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