
Mario Rodriguez
Community Explorer
Aug 26, 2022 7:43:34 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@KristinL  Ms. Kristin, Good afternoon and happy start to your October.  Is there any update on whether this function (retake quiz, but only the incorrect answers) is going to be considered? I ask...
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Ms. Kristin, Thank you for the prompt response.  I checked out the link you sent. From that conversation thread: "Why have people been asking for second attempts to only require incorrect answers ...
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Problem statement: Many of our students with IEPs have the right to retake a test or quiz, but only the questions they had incorrect the first ti...
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"I'd even suggest you show your students that you can do this and all the data that is in the log."That is a fantastic idea!  I like the transparency of it!  Is this something the students...
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Dear Community Coach, Using the same method ("Assign to") to designate additional time, could there be an indication for students to re-take only the missed questions?  This is a legal obligat...
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Most Recent Posts

@KristinL  Ms. Kristin, Good afternoon and happy start to your October.  Is there any update on whether this function (retake quiz, but only the incorrect answers) is going to be considered? I ask...
Oct 06, 2022 17:02 PM
Ms. Kristin, Thank you for the prompt response.  I checked out the link you sent. From that conversation thread: "Why have people been asking for second attempts to only require incorrect answers ...
Sep 02, 2022 16:52 PM
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Problem statement: Many of our students with IEPs have the right to retake a test or quiz, but only the questions they had incorrect the first ti...
Sep 01, 2022 13:03 PM
"I'd even suggest you show your students that you can do this and all the data that is in the log."That is a fantastic idea!  I like the transparency of it!  Is this something the students...
Sep 01, 2022 12:50 PM
Dear Community Coach, Using the same method ("Assign to") to designate additional time, could there be an indication for students to re-take only the missed questions?  This is a legal obligat...
Sep 01, 2022 12:45 PM

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