Luke Wiseman
Community Member
Aug 4, 2022 4:41:31 PM
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I am a School Chaplain with a bit of an IT background. I like thinking outside of the box to provide support & wellbeing for our school community who use Canvas for Distance Education. I key focus area of mine is social wellbeing in this online space.
Most Liked Posts
Problem statement:
My request is for an additional User Role; "Student Leader".
Proposed solution:
The reason for the Student Leader Role is so that the student given this role has more permi...
Tried using Multi-Tool today and was able to get close to achieving a desired outcome. However, the previously posted comments in the discussions became un-viewable when I changed when the discussions...
Thanks Susan.Its a great idea. They are not currently assignments. This course isn't used for any marking. Only to help create opportunities to connect. I will look into your idea as a possible so...
Problem statement:
I have 30+ discussions that I monitor in the one Course. I currently close each for commenting at 4pm and re-open for commenting at 8am each school day. The reason for the discu...
Most Recent Posts
Problem statement:
My request is for an additional User Role; "Student Leader".
Proposed solution:
The reason for the Student Leader Role is so that the student given this role has more permi...
Tried using Multi-Tool today and was able to get close to achieving a desired outcome. However, the previously posted comments in the discussions became un-viewable when I changed when the discussions...
Thanks Susan.Its a great idea. They are not currently assignments. This course isn't used for any marking. Only to help create opportunities to connect. I will look into your idea as a possible so...
Problem statement:
I have 30+ discussions that I monitor in the one Course. I currently close each for commenting at 4pm and re-open for commenting at 8am each school day. The reason for the discu...
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