
Barry Lennon
Community Member
Aug 4, 2022 11:35:39 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Problem statement: Sometimes instructors or admins want to remove all instances of a specific file in multiple courses. Currently there is no way to search for multiple instances of the same file. Pr...
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Problem statement: Hi Canvas support. Currently Python .py text files are not functioning properly when submitted on Speedgrader. Proposed solution: .py files don’t need to be converted to plain text...
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Problem statement: Currently there is no way to hide grades from specific students when posting grades in Gradebook. There is only an option to hide grades from all students in Gradebook. https://comm...
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: Sometimes instructors or admins want to remove all instances of a specific file in multiple courses. Currently there is no way to search for multiple instances of the same file. Pr...
May 22, 2024 13:58 PM
Problem statement: Hi Canvas support. Currently Python .py text files are not functioning properly when submitted on Speedgrader. Proposed solution: .py files don’t need to be converted to plain text...
Oct 03, 2023 13:32 PM
Problem statement: Currently there is no way to hide grades from specific students when posting grades in Gradebook. There is only an option to hide grades from all students in Gradebook. https://comm...
Sep 18, 2023 12:03 PM

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