Paul Nagami
Community Contributor
Aug 3, 2022 3:31:00 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I don't believe this is usually possible! When this happens with my students and there's no "resubmit" option, I recommend that they leave a comment on the submission saying they wish ...
This is a problem that I and others have reported! See this thread
I've also run into inconsistency lately on replies to e-mail going to Canvas. I reply in my e-mail, and it takes a while (hours or even a day) for the reply to show up in the message chain in Canv...
I've tried to work out something like this on assignments pages -- embedding an updatable piece of HTML that could be changed from one shared location if I update instructions, etc. But there are ...
I'm a bit disappointed that there's no fix that allows e-mails to Inbox to be workable as a communciation system, but it's good to get clarification!
(I promise students I'll get back...
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Sorry for the sharp response! I’ve also helped people and posted solutions, and I think part of my frustration is the sense that I’m acting as free tech support for Instructure sometimes. I appreciate...
"Although I can understand why these apparent and unexpected changes to your course can be frustrating, I'm not sure I would consider them bugs."
Here is the issue report for the Announcem...
I just had a student inform me that they could not reply to other students in a discussion that I set up in advance over the summer. I saw that threaded replies had been turned off without my knowledg...
It's still a problem even now. I just got a student reporting that they were unable to complete an assignment because "Disallow Threaded Replies" was checked. So I had to fix this, check m...
Thank you! If it's possible, this is the way to do it. If it's impossible, then this will show me.
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