
Robert Buchanan
Community Member
Jul 25, 2022 2:10:35 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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At this point, or at any point, it would be incredibly helpful if you just let me know that Canvas cannot do what I need it to do. I'm not interested in voting for future features of the program t...
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I still need to know how to average the grades. Please, isn't there someone I could actually speak to? This is the sixth time I've reached out to you, and I still have no answers. Your last re...
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Kristin, I appreciate your attempts to help, but I feel like I'm not able to get through to you. I need the AVERAGE of the exams, not the total score. The class grade is partially-derived from the...
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I'm happy to know that what I'm requesting is possible. I need to know how to do it. I have 10 exams. Each has been added as an assignment under the test heading, as I was instructed to do. I ...
Likes: 0
I need the average score of 10 block exams to determine the student's overall grade in the class.I was instructed to create Assignments to house said exams. I need a way for Canvas to calculate th...
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Most Recent Posts

At this point, or at any point, it would be incredibly helpful if you just let me know that Canvas cannot do what I need it to do. I'm not interested in voting for future features of the program t...
Aug 11, 2022 15:43 PM
I still need to know how to average the grades. Please, isn't there someone I could actually speak to? This is the sixth time I've reached out to you, and I still have no answers. Your last re...
Aug 11, 2022 15:41 PM
Kristin, I appreciate your attempts to help, but I feel like I'm not able to get through to you. I need the AVERAGE of the exams, not the total score. The class grade is partially-derived from the...
Aug 10, 2022 10:55 AM
I'm happy to know that what I'm requesting is possible. I need to know how to do it. I have 10 exams. Each has been added as an assignment under the test heading, as I was instructed to do. I ...
Aug 10, 2022 09:01 AM
I need the average score of 10 block exams to determine the student's overall grade in the class.I was instructed to create Assignments to house said exams. I need a way for Canvas to calculate th...
Aug 09, 2022 12:36 PM

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