
Jon Euting
Community Member
Director of Technology and Media Services
Jun 17, 2022 7:17:44 AM
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I have been a part of the Wausau School District for over 30 years and served a variety of roles including classroom teacher, special education teacher, elementary principal, and Director of Technology and Media Services.

Most Liked Posts

Does Canvas have a feature that timestamps or tells a teacher when they entered a grade for a student?  Could they essentially see a timestamp for the entry of grades for each student in a classroom?
Likes: 1
Is there a way for a teacher to view all the comments made to students in a class as a whole?  Right now viewing comments made to students requires opening each assignment individually.
Likes: 0
There should be a way to reuse the same quiz each day.  If I create a daily check-in in the form of a quiz that is the same each day and not graded the results should clear out.  This would avoid havi...
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Most Recent Posts

Is there a way for a teacher to view all the comments made to students in a class as a whole?  Right now viewing comments made to students requires opening each assignment individually.
Oct 24, 2023 13:07 PM
Does Canvas have a feature that timestamps or tells a teacher when they entered a grade for a student?  Could they essentially see a timestamp for the entry of grades for each student in a classroom?
Oct 24, 2023 11:27 AM
There should be a way to reuse the same quiz each day.  If I create a daily check-in in the form of a quiz that is the same each day and not graded the results should clear out.  This would avoid havi...
Jun 17, 2022 08:17 AM

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