
Sarah Johnson
Community Member
May 14, 2020 4:23:35 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This comment was published a long time ago and there are multiple people with the same question. I am wondering why no-one from Canvas has responded. Is there an answer on a different thread? My own s...
Likes: 2
This is an important feature because students often mistakenly submit several documents for the same assignment as separate submissions, rather than uploading documents at the same time. For example, ...
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This is an important feature because students often mistakenly submit several documents for the same assignment as separate submissions, rather than uploading documents at the same time. For example, ...
Nov 20, 2021 17:26 PM
This comment was published a long time ago and there are multiple people with the same question. I am wondering why no-one from Canvas has responded. Is there an answer on a different thread? My own s...
Oct 31, 2021 06:48 AM

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