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Apr 7, 2022 2:06:19 PM
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Thanks for the prompt reply. A couple of follow up questions on 'blank_id' -Canvas Live API does mention the data type as Integer - https://ata.instructure.com/doc/api/live#!/quiz_questions.js...
Recently when sending Canvas api requests for quiz question creation I got to know that the Canvas Documentation have incorrect/missing definitions for some of the fields.For ex -QuizQuestions API doc...
Is there a way for an admin to see audit logs for user merging i.e. two accounts being merged into one?
Does Canvas expose a way to view SSO login errors?I know we can look into login activity from Admin tools section in Canvas but from what I see we only have LOGIN/LOGOUT but no errors.
When we create a new assignment with external tool settings(using Canvas API) it creates everything perfectly but the link for Vocareum assignment(External tool) does not take us to the assignment. In...
Most Recent Posts
Thanks for the prompt reply. A couple of follow up questions on 'blank_id' -Canvas Live API does mention the data type as Integer - https://ata.instructure.com/doc/api/live#!/quiz_questions.js...
Recently when sending Canvas api requests for quiz question creation I got to know that the Canvas Documentation have incorrect/missing definitions for some of the fields.For ex -QuizQuestions API doc...
Is there a way for an admin to see audit logs for user merging i.e. two accounts being merged into one?
Does Canvas expose a way to view SSO login errors?I know we can look into login activity from Admin tools section in Canvas but from what I see we only have LOGIN/LOGOUT but no errors.
When we create a new assignment with external tool settings(using Canvas API) it creates everything perfectly but the link for Vocareum assignment(External tool) does not take us to the assignment. In...
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