
Community Participant
System Analyst
Aug 16, 2016 1:59:59 PM
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I've been working for Beaverton School District since 9/1/1998. I started in Transportaion, moved to IT as a Programmer Analyst and advanced to a System analyst. I'm the primary IT support for Canvas in our district of 38000 students.

Most Liked Posts

At Beaverton School District we've been syncing Parent/Observer accounts from our SIS for several years. Many times, we've been asked how to do this, so I thought I'd go ahead and document...
Likes: 8
Please do not go down this road without a plan for granular security on the data accessible. Many of the reporting features in Canvas (namely Admin Analytics) cannot be used in ours and many other ins...
Likes: 7
A great move. I think more moderation, making sure clear use cases are provided would also be helpful. In addition, moderators need to be much more proactive in merging the same or similar ideas. Also...
Likes: 6
When we were young and dumb, we just created a sub-account structure that mimicked what we had in our SIS. We had our root account, of course, and under that we had the following 3 sub-accounts:Elemen...
Likes: 5
@Edina_Tipter Thanks for the update. I think we are all excited to see the progress.I'd like to suggest a series of blog posts that detail some of the items presented here. For example, I'...
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Most Recent Posts

Doesn't fix the poor logging and recovery issue directly, but you could compare production to beta or (if you have it) test. Since those are snapshots, as long as the damage was done within the la...
Sep 18, 2024 08:31 AM
Please do not go down this road without a plan for granular security on the data accessible. Many of the reporting features in Canvas (namely Admin Analytics) cannot be used in ours and many other ins...
May 02, 2024 10:49 AM
Rtoon,   I did a large reorg similar to this a few years ago to get our account structure into the structure described in this post:   https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Admin-Blog/A-bit-about-...
Mar 21, 2024 08:41 AM
Hilidi, Great write-up. Are you using the OneRoster integration in Synergy to sync with Canvas or are you doing a custom SIS Import process?Thanks, Brian
Sep 19, 2023 11:00 AM
Hi DerekBear, This error usually means that a user is listed in the enrollments.csv file but does not exist in Canvas. Therefore the enrollment cannot be processed. Look for an user in the user.csv fi...
Aug 29, 2023 22:42 PM

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