
Curtis Hartling
Community Explorer
Feb 1, 2022 10:21:02 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Great news! This issue has a solution! The solution is... you can't do that. Sorry (not sorry) for not "being cool" re: the Canvas message boards community standards. Can't simply rand...
Likes: 6
Solved! ---> Go To Solution ---> Solution = you can't do that!Classic Canvas solution. Why did we choose Canvas?!?!
Likes: 4
I've also learned this lesson the hard way. Most of the time when I've tried something new or a new feature in Canvas, this has resulted in unforeseen consequences that require so much manual ...
Likes: 3
I love how so many of these issues are marked as "Solved! Go to the solution". Then, when you go to the solution, the solution is, "you can't do that". Solved indeed. Ugh.
Likes: 3
I couldn't agree more. Canvas is absolute garbage. Correcting for all these infuriating bugs/poor features have sucked most of the creativity out of my lecture preparation. 
Likes: 2

Most Recent Posts

I couldn't agree more. Canvas is absolute garbage. Correcting for all these infuriating bugs/poor features have sucked most of the creativity out of my lecture preparation. 
Apr 16, 2023 10:47 AM
It is the many Canvas issues like this one that have completely zapped my creativity as an online instructor. 0 stars; would not recommend.
Feb 17, 2023 07:24 AM
I've also learned this lesson the hard way. Most of the time when I've tried something new or a new feature in Canvas, this has resulted in unforeseen consequences that require so much manual ...
Dec 16, 2022 10:27 AM
Solved! ---> Go To Solution ---> Solution = you can't do that!Classic Canvas solution. Why did we choose Canvas?!?!
Oct 24, 2022 10:07 AM
I love how so many of these issues are marked as "Solved! Go to the solution". Then, when you go to the solution, the solution is, "you can't do that". Solved indeed. Ugh.
May 27, 2022 11:55 AM

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