
Community Participant
Sep 17, 2015 2:39:41 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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yep, i'd like to meet any other users - let me know what eventuates. I'll be flying in Monday arvo.
Likes: 2
Thanks for the reply - we already have sections within the one course .... but that is the actual problem, it creates it as one course....not separate ones. When some apps and integrations are activat...
Likes: 1
HiI currently have the grade posting policy set to Manual on an assignment. I want to release the results on a set date. How can I do this ? I know I can go in on a set date and click Post...but i wan...
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Hi allHow can I disable notifications globally for observers? We recently implemented parents as observers of their sons' courses but it has become apparent that all notifications are sent to the ...
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I agree. I can’t see any way to do it. Is there something I am missing as well? I can’t see any way to use outcomes if you have a range of scores per achievement level in a criterion. 
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Most Recent Posts

Hi allHow can I disable notifications globally for observers? We recently implemented parents as observers of their sons' courses but it has become apparent that all notifications are sent to the ...
Jul 14, 2022 02:48 AM
I agree. I can’t see any way to do it. Is there something I am missing as well? I can’t see any way to use outcomes if you have a range of scores per achievement level in a criterion. 
May 19, 2022 22:26 PM
Hi We currently use SIS to import our users and enrollments. Can someone tell me if the term of a course has been completed, do you still need to include those users in the SIS import? For example, on...
Mar 30, 2022 22:53 PM
This topic is pretty old but I just found it here in the community....I am pretty sure that you can do this if you impersonate the student (act as user). You need to have the ability to do this so if ...
Mar 01, 2022 22:32 PM
Thanks for the reply - we already have sections within the one course .... but that is the actual problem, it creates it as one course....not separate ones. When some apps and integrations are activat...
Feb 24, 2022 15:44 PM

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