
Matt Piette
Community Member
Nov 29, 2021 8:08:08 AM
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Instructional Technology Coach

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@KristinL hey!  I wouldn't mind knowing the trick as well.  We have several teachers who already have accounts that don't see the observing option in settings to add their children....any ...
Likes: 1
My apologies...I was reaching out for a colleague.  He mentioned that a few days later, they showed up.  I honestly feel as though it was an oversight by the student, similar to what you suggested ear...
Likes: 0
Thank you!  I believe the problem has been solved, but will reach out if we find it happening any more.
Likes: 0
Thank you for the reply @Ron_Bowman.  Interesting!  I will confirm, but I believe all questions are being answered.  The assignment was a released state test to use as a practice final.  The vast ...
Likes: 0
I have a civics teacher who is giving a Quiz in Canvas.  Most of his students' scores are transferring nicely to the Gradebook in Canvas, however random students are not posting.  To get their sco...
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Most Recent Posts

@KristinL hey!  I wouldn't mind knowing the trick as well.  We have several teachers who already have accounts that don't see the observing option in settings to add their children....any ...
Sep 21, 2022 07:53 AM
My apologies...I was reaching out for a colleague.  He mentioned that a few days later, they showed up.  I honestly feel as though it was an oversight by the student, similar to what you suggested ear...
Jun 02, 2022 11:37 AM
Thank you!  I believe the problem has been solved, but will reach out if we find it happening any more.
May 31, 2022 10:20 AM
Thank you for the reply @Ron_Bowman.  Interesting!  I will confirm, but I believe all questions are being answered.  The assignment was a released state test to use as a practice final.  The vast ...
Mar 31, 2022 09:00 AM
I have a civics teacher who is giving a Quiz in Canvas.  Most of his students' scores are transferring nicely to the Gradebook in Canvas, however random students are not posting.  To get their sco...
Mar 31, 2022 08:15 AM

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