
Community Participant
May 31, 2017 7:05:50 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Any word on when the icon will change to Studio in Canvas and what the actual icon will look like?  My users are already confused that the Guides say Studio instead of Arc.  I want to send a campus-wi...
Likes: 7
I wish there was a LOOOOVE button!
Likes: 4
Hi Joe,Welcome to the community!  Since it will be a bit before you can see information about 2019...I thought you might like to see what some of the presentations were like in 2018.InstructureCon 201...
Likes: 4
I am also interested in if this option will become an integration or part of the existing one.  I hope this means that there is progress.  Good luck with your training.  Have a great day!
Likes: 3
I have faculty ready to buy Annotate Pro, but they are really interested in where Canvas hopes to go with this.  Their biggest issues would be in this order: Ability to share comments and also have ot...
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Most Recent Posts

Thank you - that is what I was trying to figure out!
Jun 18, 2021 13:27 PM
I have faculty ready to buy Annotate Pro, but they are really interested in where Canvas hopes to go with this.  Their biggest issues would be in this order: Ability to share comments and also have ot...
Jun 18, 2021 09:02 AM
We should be able to create a quiz in more that just the Uploads files.  If an instructor shares a Studio file they cannot create a quiz because it doesn't show up in uploads.
Oct 19, 2020 10:26 AM
My boss just OKd me to go again next year.  Let's get this plan in motion!
Jun 21, 2019 12:45 PM
Hi stefaniesanders,I am the admin.  I have a message on May 20th telling me that it was going to change, but it doesn't talk about the icon or the guides.  Thank you for that information. Have a g...
Jun 17, 2019 12:53 PM

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