
n mb
Community Member
Sep 20, 2021 8:19:15 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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How do I move questions from a quiz to a quiz bank?  The questions are in unfiled, and I (stupidly) have many, many questions in the unfiled.  So that means I would have to sort thru all my unfileds t...
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Hi,I'm using the external tool - matlab grader.The student can take the matlab quiz, hits submit, but then gets an error "Canvas Gradebook cannot be reached"(I get this error with a real s...
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Does new quizzes allow multiple part numeric questions?  Question #1  part a, b, c.... are all numeric answers? It appears it doesn't. This would be nice for STEM instructors.
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Is this possible? I have a 10 question quiz pulling from a question bank of 80 questions. I would like to allow multiple attempts, but on the questions that are selected for them - NOT another brand n...
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Most Recent Posts

How do I move questions from a quiz to a quiz bank?  The questions are in unfiled, and I (stupidly) have many, many questions in the unfiled.  So that means I would have to sort thru all my unfileds t...
Jan 09, 2024 08:10 AM
Hi,I'm using the external tool - matlab grader.The student can take the matlab quiz, hits submit, but then gets an error "Canvas Gradebook cannot be reached"(I get this error with a real s...
May 04, 2023 16:34 PM
Does new quizzes allow multiple part numeric questions?  Question #1  part a, b, c.... are all numeric answers? It appears it doesn't. This would be nice for STEM instructors.
Feb 08, 2022 11:10 AM
Is this possible? I have a 10 question quiz pulling from a question bank of 80 questions. I would like to allow multiple attempts, but on the questions that are selected for them - NOT another brand n...
Sep 20, 2021 09:28 AM

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