
Community Participant
Sep 11, 2015 1:47:26 PM
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Currently work as an IT Analyst at Los Rios CCD in Sacramento, CA. Primary Responsibility is the LMS/CMS, which of course is Canvas (i.e. the best LMS). I also am an instructor for @ONE, most recently teaching Online Education Standards and Practices course. Prior to this I worked at Shasta College, primarily responsible for the LMS the last five years there. Prior to that at Shasta I coordinated services for students as a DSPS Paraprofessional. I also served in the US Air Force from 2001 to 2005, and deployed to both Kuwait and Saudi in support of OEF/OIF. I have a B.S. in Organizational Communication from the University of Utah, B.A. from Simpson University in Business and an M.P.A. from National University. Born in Long Beach, CA, grew up in Southern California. Lived a decent amount of time in Redding after my parents moved there.

Most Liked Posts

Hi Everyone,I'm usually not one to write too many blog posts, and I really debated the best place to put this.  As Ally is an accessibility tool it could have certainly gone in the accessibility g...
Likes: 11
There isn't a 2018 Instructurecon place for specifc discussion yet, but seeing that registation is now available I noticed that there was an option for a "Kid's Pass" for $150.One thin...
Likes: 11
Yes I found it (bookmark time!).  Thanks  @mjennings , always looking forward to the jokes and got so worried with the first part of the comment you just added to the Grab the big shoes thread abo...
Likes: 9
Waiter:  "Is there a problem, sir?" Patron:  "I ordered the rabbit stew…but there’s a hare in it."
Likes: 6
While you have to pay for the gondolas, I would highly recommend them.  The views from the top are rather breathtaking.  We went up Thursday after the last session before the hoedown last year, and ev...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi All, Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!  I have been meaning to post something about this for a while in the community, but I wanted to share some of the issues we've been having...
Sep 20, 2021 11:48 AM
Thanks for the continued updates on this one erinhallmark, our folks were seeing it as well and it was super helpful to have already seen your post and have a workaround for them ready as soon as they...
Jul 16, 2019 13:14 PM
Hi All,   I thought I would post a blog to expand on the comment I made in the Ask Technology & Engineering Leadership‌ blog started by  @Renee_Carney ‌.   @James ‌ was awesome (as usu...
Jun 27, 2019 16:19 PM
I'm with you on how long Quizzes.Next progression has taken  @ProfessorBeyrer .  I still have my Quizzes.Next Beta Phase II acceptance email from Jason Sparks that was sent 4/19/2017....That s...
Jun 26, 2019 14:59 PM
+1  @millerjm  for mentioning granular permissions.  We've been waiting and waiting for this, and it will be a huge benefit when we have the ability to drill-down a little bit deeper into ...
Jun 26, 2019 14:43 PM

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