
Nancy LaChance
Community Contributor
Mar 6, 2017 7:23:30 AM
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Nancy began her career with DeVry 25 years ago as an English teacher with a Bachelor's degree in education and a master's degree in English from Arizona State University. In 1985, she became interested in the potential of the Internet for the practice of English teaching, became the webmaster for the DeVry University-Phoenix campus, and then moved rapidly into technology management, serving as Dean of Information Technology at the Phoenix campus. In 2001, Nancy was promoted to the role of Director of Academic Technology Services for the DeVry Education Group’s Information Technology department. As Director of Academic Technology Services, Nancy managed the development and delivery of student lab experiences, as well as various centralized eLearning resources. Notable projects were the development of a Citrix server farm for remote access to student lab applications, development and management of a student software program, system-wide adoption of a centrally managed eLearning platform (eCollege), and management of the Level 2 student technical support team. In this role, Nancy managed the initial research and development of content management processes, project that was awarded an IMS Learning Impact Gold award for research and development in 2010. In 2011, Nancy moved to the Online Services organization. She led a team of instructional technologists, course producers, and multimedia developers. During this time, Nancy oversaw her team’s development of a collaborative tool for faculty input into online coursework, the integration of a new, updated web conferencing system, universal implementation of a new e-book reader, and the development of HTML5-based tools for students to self-assess their knowledge. In July 2013, she returned to her focus on content management, becoming the technical lead of Project Independence, a project that extracted course assets from over 800 unique courses. Her team rebuilt them using web-accessible HTML-based course content templates, and published them to a searchable content management system. She now works with the Course Development Strategic Projects Team, currently focusing on the migration of 1500 Master Courses, about 4,000 faculty, and about 50,000 students to the Canvas LMS in July 2017.

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As 2018 came to a close and 2019 began, my work world stilled --  “not a creature was stirring” as most  of my faculty and students and other constituents broke away for their well-deserved holidays. ...
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I am ever grateful for all of the resources, tips, best practices, and tools created by and for the Canvas Community. I do not think any of us could do our jobs at all without the ever-present advice ...
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I received the same issue today. When I investigated, it appeared that the students whose paper displayed incorrectly used manual paragraphing and spacing options in Word rather than using the appropr...
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Has anyone run into any anomalies with the MANUAL grade post policy. I have a situation in which the manual policy is set at the course level, but it is applied erratically to the actual assignments. ...
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Thank you so much, Rob. That made sense.  I am suspecting that the cause may have been Blueprint Masters that were using the old gradebook when the course was synced.  We switched on the new gradebook...
Feb 06, 2020 07:28 AM
Has anyone run into any anomalies with the MANUAL grade post policy. I have a situation in which the manual policy is set at the course level, but it is applied erratically to the actual assignments. ...
Feb 04, 2020 12:42 PM
Good point, Laura.  I also use 11trees to manage my comments.   Stuart, you can read my post on this resource here: https://community.canvaslms.com/groups/admins/blog/2019/12/05/getting-an-edge-on-stu...
Jan 29, 2020 16:21 PM
I agree with Mr. Coker.  I love Annotate Pro so much, I wrote a blog about how useful it is not just for grading but everything else: https://community.canvaslms.com/groups/admins/blog/2019/12/05/gett...
Dec 06, 2019 15:28 PM
I am ever grateful for all of the resources, tips, best practices, and tools created by and for the Canvas Community. I do not think any of us could do our jobs at all without the ever-present advice ...
Dec 05, 2019 16:01 PM

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