Christine Board
Community Explorer
Aug 3, 2021 2:47:28 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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My team manages custom code for a dozen or more Canvas implementations for higher ed graduate programs, and we really could have used this information two weeks ago. When we found that the window.jQue...
We have noticed that discussions with the redesign enabled have a generic "Canvas LMS" as the page title, i.e. the HTML <title> in the <head>. Previously discussions had the page t...
Hi @Katrina-Hess, we use primarily the theming option to upload a CSS stylesheet and JS file for 90% of our customization. There is sometimes some additional external CSS or JS brought into the pa...
It appears that the only way to get the lock_at and unlock_at dates applied through the "Assign To" interface on pages is through the Learning Object Dates API. I am trying to collect these da...
Thanks for the update! What a pain... we could have done stuff differently if we'd known their plan instead of scrambling around in the dark to make sure everything stayed functional.
Most Recent Posts
It appears that the only way to get the lock_at and unlock_at dates applied through the "Assign To" interface on pages is through the Learning Object Dates API. I am trying to collect these da...
Thanks for the update! What a pain... we could have done stuff differently if we'd known their plan instead of scrambling around in the dark to make sure everything stayed functional.
My team manages custom code for a dozen or more Canvas implementations for higher ed graduate programs, and we really could have used this information two weeks ago. When we found that the window.jQue...
I'm also seeing this problem across multiple Canvas installations, only in beta.
Fantastic, that was just what I needed!
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