
Sam McKnight
Community Explorer
Mar 2, 2017 5:29:29 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Not exactly broken. The API is marked as being in beta.I got around this by writing a script that will download the csv quiz item analytics for me. I then combine those csv files and do my analytics.T...
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When we implemented Canvas Data in Oracle, I came across a DDL script online for MySql. It required some tweaking to deal with Oracle-specific limitations (table name and column name lengths) as well ...
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Most of our external tools are activated at the root account level. The question I have been asked is how many assignments use a particular external tool (in this case, Turnitin). So there is an assig...
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Benjamin, were you able to get this working? Each time I call the quiz submission event API, I see three question_answered events for each submission I look at. The first event has null or blank array...
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That data is not included natively in the Canvas Data product. There's a report in Canvas called Student Analysis. We use the REST API to download the quiz report and put the data into our own tab...
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Most Recent Posts

You nailed it! I can't believe I overlooked the weekend refreshes as the cause. We've been doing automated regression testing of our data integrations over the weekends on the beta site.
Sep 09, 2022 09:14 AM
With OAuth2 authentication, you receive an access token and a refresh token. I know the access token is valid for an hour and after it expires you use the refresh token to obtain a new access token. H...
Sep 07, 2022 16:24 PM
Are there any APIs we can use to check system health and service availability like what is shown on the status.instructure.com page? We are hoping to have our internal system monitoring tools monitor ...
Aug 15, 2022 10:14 AM
The past two mornings, a subset of files in the data export contain data from the wrong tables. Later in the day, we notice that the exports have been corrected. We use the CLI tool to download and un...
Apr 02, 2020 12:45 PM
Once the Canvas CLI has downloaded the gz files for the requests table, there is an alphanumeric identifier appended to each file name. I'm working on a way to shorten our data load time on the re...
Jul 22, 2019 11:20 AM

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