Community Member
Sep 3, 2016 11:52:39 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Thank you for your timely and informative reply. Though it wasn't the answer I was seeking, it has given me a strategy for what I'll do with Announcements in the future. 😉
How to use Announcements posted in a prior semester. Many of my Announcements can be used again, but how do I hide them until I'm ready to use them?
I have used Speedgrader for seven years, and the changes that have occurred are not an improvement. For example:
there was a time when the filled out rubric would automatically post the grade in the g...
Once upon a time, not too long ago, Canvas grading program allowed the instructor to assign points to an assignment but change them to percentages automatically if that was the chosen setting. Now, an...
Most Recent Posts
Thank you for your timely and informative reply. Though it wasn't the answer I was seeking, it has given me a strategy for what I'll do with Announcements in the future. 😉
How to use Announcements posted in a prior semester. Many of my Announcements can be used again, but how do I hide them until I'm ready to use them?
I have used Speedgrader for seven years, and the changes that have occurred are not an improvement. For example:
there was a time when the filled out rubric would automatically post the grade in the g...
Once upon a time, not too long ago, Canvas grading program allowed the instructor to assign points to an assignment but change them to percentages automatically if that was the chosen setting. Now, an...
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