
Dean Holik
Community Participant
Solutions Manager - LMS
Mar 1, 2017 8:09:00 AM
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DeVry University

Most Liked Posts

Provide access to detailed logging activity in Canvas courses in the Admin tools area and the ability to search by key data or words or download the data.Right now we have only minimal information on ...
Likes: 56
Hello Everyone, There was an update to Chrome in the last couple day's that is causing issues with our Canvas system. What students are reporting is that when accessing class assignments that link...
Likes: 5
 Presentation TitleBatch file integration: The tale of two very large systems, Banner to Canvas integrationAbstract / Session OverviewDuring this session we will discuss in detail the requirements gat...
Likes: 4
Hello, Yes we've accommodated for as many of these as possible. We added several customizations to our threads such as a warning message of Are you Sure? if someone tries to get off a page without...
Likes: 2
Yes, we're seeing this as well but on a smaller reported scale. Instructure opened an internal engineering ticket to investigate why the new Chrome version is having this problem. https://communit...
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Most Recent Posts

Ok, I know this is an old post and nobody responded but I'm curious if you were able to fix this. If I had to guess the reason why this didn't work for some of the students is that they haven&...
Apr 28, 2023 07:01 AM
We've been launching jQueryUI tools in our custom JS file in Canvas for pretty much since we went live 6 years ago.A couple of weeks ago it came to my attention that a user was having a problem wi...
Apr 04, 2023 14:23 PM
Hi, we're seeing this problem with one of our students here as well. Instructure I guess has gotten a few of these in tickets because they took our ticket and connected it to a larger troubleshoot...
Feb 03, 2023 14:29 PM
Hello, Yes we've accommodated for as many of these as possible. We added several customizations to our threads such as a warning message of Are you Sure? if someone tries to get off a page without...
Dec 12, 2022 13:31 PM
We've been using Canvas since July of 2017 and ever since then we continually get reports from our students that they've posted something in a discussion thread and it is now missing. It doesn...
Dec 12, 2022 11:00 AM

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