
Community Explorer
Jul 31, 2016 7:37:55 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Problem statement: Once students post to a Discussion for which the "Group Discussion" box is checked, instructors cannot uncheck that box, even for courses that HAVE NO GROUPS. When the "...
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I would like this functionality for myself as an instructor too. I provide feedback on assignments and reply to emails using media, and I need to see the screen while recording media.
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How do I vote for this feature?
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Problem statement: Once students post to a Discussion for which the "Group Discussion" box is checked, instructors cannot uncheck that box, even for courses that HAVE NO GROUPS. When the "...
Oct 25, 2022 11:17 AM
I would like this functionality for myself as an instructor too. I provide feedback on assignments and reply to emails using media, and I need to see the screen while recording media.
Sep 30, 2021 09:38 AM
How do I vote for this feature?
Sep 30, 2021 09:28 AM

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