Melissa Wetherby
Community Novice
Dec 9, 2015 12:25:34 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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My institution is in the process of setting up a Canvas Pilot for a small group. Currently we use Moodle as our LMS and have for many years. Can people share with me any insights as to getting faculty...
We are currently piloting Canvas, and all of my instructors are looking for a feature that we had grown to rely on in Moodle, and I am having no luck trying to replicate it in Canvas. Hoping someone h...
Thank you! Better than what I have currently, just wish the box would open full size, but it doesn't look like anyone has figured that out yet going though the posts.
Hello, I have finally received the green light from my school to move from pilot stage to begin a full campus migration to Canvas - so happy. We are moving from Moodle, and over the past 5 years I hav...
I was very happy to come across this post as I have submitted support tickets over the last few weeks asking why auto open will no longer work for links, I've worked around this by going into the ...
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Thank you! Better than what I have currently, just wish the box would open full size, but it doesn't look like anyone has figured that out yet going though the posts.
Hello! I am trying to create a resource (page) in Canvas. I have quite a few screen shots that I would like to include, but the images need to be fairly large to include the detail. When I would do th...
I am attempting to create a site-wide role for the Dean's at our school to be able to view all students and thier grades. This seemed like it would be fairly straight forward process - I had creat...
Thank you so much Ken! This worked my pages are back in Alphabetical order - which will save me so much time! That will teach me to look at ALL of the options instead of stopping when I don't thin...
I was very happy to come across this post as I have submitted support tickets over the last few weeks asking why auto open will no longer work for links, I've worked around this by going into the ...
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