
Raj Asirvatham Durai
Community Member
Jan 31, 2021 6:45:19 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Actually ive used account_id -> for sub accounts  & enrollment_term_id -> for term and its working.  My Question here is..  Why the Id is not the same as excel import?  
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@sendres I'm trying to assign via API so SIS import is always null. 
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@robotcars  Could you please elaborate more?  Is there any endpoint like this?
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I'm using API to enroll our teachers in the course. For some courses, Teachers assign another Teacher for the course. Now, I would like to know which one is done by API, which one is by Teacher. M...
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Hi,  I'm using Canvas API to create a new course "/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/courses" It working perfectly when I pass the name&sis_course_id. I would like pass information about Ter...
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@sendres I'm trying to assign via API so SIS import is always null. 
Jan 14, 2022 13:04 PM
@robotcars  Could you please elaborate more?  Is there any endpoint like this?
Jan 14, 2022 13:03 PM
I'm using API to enroll our teachers in the course. For some courses, Teachers assign another Teacher for the course. Now, I would like to know which one is done by API, which one is by Teacher. M...
Jan 13, 2022 19:27 PM
Actually ive used account_id -> for sub accounts  & enrollment_term_id -> for term and its working.  My Question here is..  Why the Id is not the same as excel import?  
Jul 27, 2021 22:02 PM
Hi,  I'm using Canvas API to create a new course "/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/courses" It working perfectly when I pass the name&sis_course_id. I would like pass information about Ter...
Jul 27, 2021 18:50 PM

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