
Abby Rosensweig
Community Contributor
Senior Learning Technologist
Jan 20, 2021 9:23:17 AM
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I am on the Canvas admin team at Northwestern University, where I have been supporting Canvas since 2020. Before that, I worked in undergraduate course support for a large department at the university and lead efforts to shift our courses to online delivery in March 2020. In addition to providing Canvas support for Northwestern, our team also focuses on promoting digital accessibility, facilitating updates and changes to Canvas, and leading distributed admins. So I spend pretty much all day thinking about and working in Canvas!

Most Liked Posts

This feature is available now! This is a feature option that will need to be enabled at the account/subaccount level to be available in courses. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Releases/Canv...
Likes: 4
That depends on your institution! Some institutions do not allow teachers to remove students from course sites, relying instead on data feeds from the Registrar's Office (or other enrollment syste...
Likes: 3
Are there any updates to how rubrics will display to students? There are some display issues currently (specifically with viewing the "long description" field of a rubric, takes a click for ea...
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You should also consider using the Canvas student app since it now has better support for viewing content offline. Here's the guide for doing so on Android and the guide for iOS.
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In general, no, Canvas provides limited information about who did what in a course. You can see the edit history of a page, as linked by @jsowalsk, and you can see who uploaded a file (in Files) a...
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This error message occurs when there isn't a Canvas user account connected to that identifier in your instance of Canvas. Basically, Canvas doesn't think there's a user account for that pe...
Mar 13, 2025 20:05 PM
I think this question is very specific to your school and the teachers there. In general, I'd start with where they are - if they're using assignments and gradebook, let those be your "beg...
Mar 11, 2025 16:04 PM
That depends on your institution! Some institutions do not allow teachers to remove students from course sites, relying instead on data feeds from the Registrar's Office (or other enrollment syste...
Mar 04, 2025 15:11 PM
This is a good observation. You should consider submitting it as an idea in the Canvas Ideas area for further consideration by Canvas developers.
Mar 04, 2025 13:04 PM
You should also consider using the Canvas student app since it now has better support for viewing content offline. Here's the guide for doing so on Android and the guide for iOS.
Mar 03, 2025 15:29 PM

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