
Dana Lee Ling
Community Participant
Dec 31, 2020 6:27:15 PM
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Instructor at the College of Micronesia-FSM since 1992. Facilitating learning in physical science, statistics, and ethnobotany.

Most Liked Posts

I too echo the above comments of disappointment with the selected themes. Themes appear to be selected, to borrow the announcement's terminology, based on areas strongly aligned with Instructure&#...
Likes: 14
This is also a concern from an institutional intellectual property rights perspective. When a course and associated quizzes/tests are developed on institutional equipment as a part of an employees con...
Likes: 8
I have wondered whether, like the spinning out of Canvas badges as Badgr, the original impetus was to create an LTI tool that could then be marketed and sold independent of Canvas. This would also all...
Likes: 7
I am surprised that reporting of outcomes to the learning mastery section of the gradebook is not a priority. Assessing learning against outcomes using quizzes and tests is critical to meeting both co...
Likes: 5
I can confirm the behavior HongHo mentions above. The root default time of 10:00 PM is not being respected by pages and discussions in the new "Assign to" interface, the default time is being ...
Likes: 4

Most Recent Posts

The new header says, "Note: The Canvas Deploy Beta and Production deploys are delayed by 24 hours. The updated Beta deploy date is 2024-08-30 and the updated production deploy is 2024-08-29." ...
Aug 28, 2024 20:48 PM
I can confirm the behavior HongHo mentions above. The root default time of 10:00 PM is not being respected by pages and discussions in the new "Assign to" interface, the default time is being ...
Aug 07, 2024 15:15 PM
This is a follow-up to a question I asked earlier in this topic as to whether faculty can edit rating scales for institutionally banked outcomes. As far as I could determine, instructors cannot edit r...
Jul 29, 2024 05:51 AM
I guess I am confused, but in my experience points were removed from outcomes at the point that a rubric was attached to an assignment. As far as I can tell, this is still the case. One has to click o...
Jul 29, 2024 05:29 AM
"You'll be able to edit points and descriptions after creating a criteria from an outcome, with outcome alignment coming soon. Alignment will allow referencing the criterion to an external out...
May 12, 2024 23:23 PM

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