
Aimee Colvin
Community Explorer
Aug 30, 2016 11:05:24 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I would try contacting a Canvas Admin at your original school and see if they can help you out. 
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If I was a student, I would likely set up a daily reminder on my phone (like "Have you check the DB today?"). While it would be potentially annoying to have my phone/watch reminding me, it wou...
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Thanks for the response, Stephanie!I just passed that information on to my department coordinator and we are going to add it to our calendar!
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Can't you just right click a Page, select print, and then save as PDF?
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Are you looking in SpeedGrader?I know you can download files and comments there.
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I would try contacting a Canvas Admin at your original school and see if they can help you out. 
May 26, 2022 11:01 AM
This happens every once in a while. If all else fails, download the images from the previous shell and upload them into the new course's files. Make sure they have the same file names. 
Mar 03, 2020 13:22 PM
Our school uses ConferZoom. We've had good luck with that so far.
Feb 26, 2020 15:44 PM
Whoops, I see this was a while ago. I hope you figured out the issue!
Feb 26, 2020 15:39 PM
Out of curiosity are you using Safari?
Feb 26, 2020 15:39 PM

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