Andrew Knight
Community Novice
Jul 8, 2016 4:02:43 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Hellocan you ping me a mail to andrew.knight@activatelearning.ac.uk, I can then set up a skype callonce again many thanksAndrew
Many thanks, appreciate your time on this.
Hello allWe are now in the last steps of the set up of Kennethware, we have the wizard screens up, but are getting the following error, could we please request some assistance on thisPlease let us kno...
Hello Kenneth, thanks for your time on ,do you provide paid for Remote support to assist with version 2. on site set up?
MorningSo after some further delving into how Kennethware works I have traced this back to the point where is trying to list modules for a courseI have attached code with echos in the relevant places,...
Most Recent Posts
Hellocan you ping me a mail to andrew.knight@activatelearning.ac.uk, I can then set up a skype callonce again many thanksAndrew
Hello Kenneth, thanks for your time on ,do you provide paid for Remote support to assist with version 2. on site set up?
MorningSo after some further delving into how Kennethware works I have traced this back to the point where is trying to list modules for a courseI have attached code with echos in the relevant places,...
Hellocurrent version of PHPCurrent PHP version: 7.0.7 running on windows 2012 R2many thanksAndrew
Hello AllI am back at the College and back to getting Kennethware working, we have overcome the token issues, but are now facing an issues with the following errorFatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot u...
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