
Community Participant
Nov 18, 2015 6:01:09 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi All,We've put together a script here at Strath to allow us to send messages to the observers of students from the Canvas Inbox (Conversations) and Marksbook ('Message Students Who...') ...
Likes: 26
Ok, I have new version for you, 0.04 uploaded to github https://github.com/sdjrice/msgobswhich won't look up the same course twice anymore. That cuts down the number of API calls dramatically beca...
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Hi all, MSGOBS Version 1.01 is now available here https://github.com/sdjrice/msgobs with the following fixes: Re-written for ES2020 and a slightly improved lookup speed.Fixed issue where students on g...
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New version 0.06 available here: https://github.com/sdjrice/msgobs- Fixes an issue with courses containing more than one hundred enrolments. Thanks Joe for discovering that one.
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It shouldn't totally hang hopefully, I think instead it's just going to take a little while haha! I'm assuming this is happening when, as an account admin, you add a group of students with...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi @audra_agnelly,That is indeed quite a significant refactor! This would require a significant rewrite of my script as it looks like React Native is now in use. I'm actually not sure that it ...
Sep 27, 2022 23:02 PM
Hi @jsimon3 and @chadscott,The new Instructure interface looks fantastic! A big win for the K-12 community I'd say!If you'd like to keep using MSGOBS for the Conversations (Inbox) stuf...
Aug 18, 2022 06:08 AM
Thanks for your message @travislape. I did have a look at adding the script to the New Analytics section; however, because the New Analytics frame is loaded from a different domain to that of the ...
Oct 10, 2021 19:06 PM
MSGOBS Version 1.02 is now available here https://github.com/sdjrice/msgobs with the following fixes:- Fixed issue with gradebook 'Scored less than' or 'Scored more than' options not s...
Apr 21, 2021 01:44 AM
Hi all, MSGOBS Version 1.01 is now available here https://github.com/sdjrice/msgobs with the following fixes: Re-written for ES2020 and a slightly improved lookup speed.Fixed issue where students on g...
Mar 15, 2021 01:57 AM

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