Community Champion
Oct 1, 2016 5:36:00 PM
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The Files section of Canvas allows folders for organizing files. Pages does not. Why the awful inconsistency in the user interface? I currently have 30+ pages that I've created in - all in fla...
I made an academic conduct quiz about what kinds of activities were allowed in the course and what were not (with links to pages about course policies) and gave them an unlimited number of attempts at...
I and my TAs have this problem as well -- my students are scanning their paper submissions to PDFs and uploading them to Canvas and the SpeedGrader does not always display the entire contents. This is...
I'm having an issue with the file preview feature of Canvas not showing the correct contents of text files. Here's an example:On a Canvas Page, I have linked several text files (which I have u...
Suppose I accidentally click in the wrong row in the Gradebook (because, say, the "Assignment muted" tags won't go away and they are blocking my view of the gradebook column) and I enter a...
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The only reason I marked it answered was because Instructure was going to automatically mark it as answered since no one replied. I figured if it was going to be answered anyway, I might as well make ...
Usually I give my students 3 attempts on each quiz, I check the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" box (but none of others), and then after the deadline go back in and check "Let Stud...
@Moses WolfensteinAlso, keep in mind the number of people who have tried to interact with this popularity non-contest to get bugs fixed and ideas implemented and given up. I know that I represent ...
For my own management (since I do NOT make Pages visible to students), I would much rather have a folder-like option than tagging. I've tried to use tags when searching for info in the Canvas Comm...
But why have it not ALSO work in reverse: UNpublishing a module makes everything UNpublished? I'd like to reuse my course from a previous semester (or at least use it as a starting point), but thi...
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