
Community Member
Sep 27, 2020 8:44:45 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I'm a student and would like to see a feature added to Canvas to make it better.  It would be great if there was a review system that would allow me to suggest a feature.  Even better would be a s...
Likes: 1
*I wish there was a standard between classes, where student actions: checking for assignments, looking at the week overview, contacting the teacher, etc.) were unified.
Likes: 0
Canvas should provide recommended guidelines and/or defaults/templates for creating classes;  part of this would be a quick reference document & video tutorial, explaining default pages (Modules, ...
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Most Recent Posts

*I wish there was a standard between classes, where student actions: checking for assignments, looking at the week overview, contacting the teacher, etc.) were unified.
Sep 28, 2020 14:40 PM
Canvas should provide recommended guidelines and/or defaults/templates for creating classes;  part of this would be a quick reference document & video tutorial, explaining default pages (Modules, ...
Sep 28, 2020 14:36 PM
I'm a student and would like to see a feature added to Canvas to make it better.  It would be great if there was a review system that would allow me to suggest a feature.  Even better would be a s...
Sep 27, 2020 21:58 PM

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