Justin Archey
Community Explorer
Aug 17, 2015 1:57:41 PM
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Born and raised on the Space Coast of Florida. Love my wife, teaching, cupcakes and crime scene investigations! 18+ years in Public Safety (non-sworn), now full-time instructor at Eastern Florida State College.
Most Liked Posts
In the past, when a student sent me a message in Canvas, I would get a copy of it in my work email. When I replied to it in my email (either by Outlook or by Apple Mail on my personal laptop), the stu...
What was the solution, because I'm having this issue. When students message me in Canvas, I would get a notification and a copy of the message in my Outlook In Box. In the past, I used to be able ...
I hope this is a simple question: do I need to grant access to the Files tab/app on the left of the Canvas page to students (making it available for them to use) in order for them to properly use the ...
Most Recent Posts
In the past, when a student sent me a message in Canvas, I would get a copy of it in my work email. When I replied to it in my email (either by Outlook or by Apple Mail on my personal laptop), the stu...
What was the solution, because I'm having this issue. When students message me in Canvas, I would get a notification and a copy of the message in my Outlook In Box. In the past, I used to be able ...
I hope this is a simple question: do I need to grant access to the Files tab/app on the left of the Canvas page to students (making it available for them to use) in order for them to properly use the ...
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