Community Contributor
Jul 2, 2015 9:17:32 PM
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I teach homeschooled high school students in the DC metropolitan area.
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Okay, not a question, but an expression of gratitude. Thanks, Canvas, for letting my classes continue during a time of uncertainty. My students really benefit from the features you offer. May your se...
Whee, I found a way to make an embedded YouTube video start and stop where I'd like it to.
(1) Embed as usual, (2) make sure it works, (3) then go into the HTML editor by clicking </> at scr...
My workaround, when this happens, is just to embed some other video that DOES work from that handy little linky-thing Canvas provides . . . then open the course page for editing, click the </> ...
Hooray! Following progress at status.instructure.com helped me keep hope alive and it's WORKING now.Thanks, nwilson7, for that link.
Alas, the page linked in the answer does not answer the original poster's question -- it was about INDIVIDUAL quiz question comments, not comments for the WHOLE quiz. I know this is an old post, b...
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Well, Canvas Help came through and I'll post their answer here, in case it helps someone else. The students had indeed identified a "comment" field on their assignments, but that one, in t...
My workaround, when this happens, is just to embed some other video that DOES work from that handy little linky-thing Canvas provides . . . then open the course page for editing, click the </> ...
Thanks, Chris. Hoping someone can help us figure this out. Two students, with different OS on updated machines (one Windows, one Mac), are experiencing this.
Thanks, Chris! Alas, attachment icon does NOT appear after initial submission. Course Settings > Feature Options doesn't include an item called "Assignment Enhancements" for me. I'd...
Two students can't attach a file to an Assignment Comment because there's no paper clip icon visible on their end. This consistently happened to another of my students a year or two ago, also....
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