
Sterling Worrell
Community Novice
Jun 15, 2015 7:51:59 PM
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Sterling Worrell is a 20 year veteran teacher at Hopkinton High School. He teaches technology related visual art courses both f2f and online including digital photography, iPhone photography, and 2D/3D animation. Worrell has been a district leader in blended and online teaching and learning development and implementation.

Most Liked Posts

Very tedious. It would be great to have a simple select all button in announcements like email inbox.
Likes: 3
If you want to share a module from a course to Commons, that's really easy-
Likes: 2
Is ticket system and email the best mode of communication for students? My students hate email. I wonder if more app based and social media like modes would be better for students... I wonder?
Likes: 1
Some of my student averages are different in PS Pro than in the Canvas gradebook. It looks like there is something going on decimals, but that is a guess. The scores with decimals (77.5, 88.5, etc) ar...
Likes: 1
Just s simple select all button on announcements would be great so you could delete old announcements at one time.
Likes: 1

Most Recent Posts

Share a whole course like this (settings/share to commons)-
Mar 04, 2020 18:43 PM
If you want to share a module from a course to Commons, that's really easy-
Mar 04, 2020 18:35 PM
Thank for your reply.It is not rounding up, or down, or not at all but rather doing all three which is confusing. Our Canvas admin is not aware of any settings to control this. Are you saying you know...
Feb 27, 2020 10:50 AM
OK, I assume you tried the most basic web browser zoom shortcut keys (Mac- Command + or -). Another idea that I have experienced at school is a internet filter setting on our school network that c...
Feb 05, 2020 12:40 PM
We finally got hold of Canvas and suddenly it started working. Although they didn't communicate any fix to me I assume they pushed some button that got passback working for us?
Jan 30, 2020 19:44 PM

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