Patricia Walsh
Community Novice
Jun 10, 2015 9:31:45 AM
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I teach 7th-grade math, 7th-grade science, remedial 7th-grade math, and business. I am a career switcher who used to do computer programming and consulting.
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The more I think about it, the more I'm rethinking two separate products. Many of the things I would change about the Canvas UI would not negatively impact higher ed users and would, in fact, be p...
I just saw this so I hope my response can still be helpful. I'll focus on the students. I work with middle schoolers, but I'm not saying anything that wouldn't apply to everyone.Teach and ...
I am going to test out the copy feature you mentioned--it sounds very handy, particularly if I can get it to work with Speedgrader as you mentioned.This year we used Schoology as our LMS for science a...
My personal experience, in addition to everything that's above, that if the quiz is text-only and everything else is fine, it doesn't matter. If your quiz has a lot of math and/or images, usua...
We are just starting to experiment with this now. Our students will have iPads, which will have Notability. I realize that Notability is not available for Chromebooks, but with a quick search it looks...
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Kristin, yes, I understand, but the request is still valid just slightly different now. I'd still like this feature going forward. It's a good idea!
FYI, the ISTEP is changing to ILEARN, complete with different equation editors and the like. I would very much like to see something standard used, such as the tools on Desmos (which is the new, offic...
Update, update, update. We are one-to-one iPads, and every time something gets updated, all the rest of it has to be updated as well. The CamScanner thing seemed to affect other apps as well. So, here...
When I log in as a parent, there's a "View Grades" button on the right. When I click that, I get a list of all my children's courses and their overall grades in those courses if any gr...
I generally set my pass requirement somewhere between 80-90% when I'm using Mastery Paths unless it's something I really, truly have to have them be perfect at. Otherwise, you run into frustra...
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