
Ms. E. Keefe
Community Novice
Jun 10, 2015 8:03:01 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

  Parents in a K-12 environment (Observers) want their calendars and time management tools to match their students' calendar and other time management tools, such as the To Do and Coming Up blocks...
Likes: 116
Hi! We are in a pilot year with just our 6th grade, transitioning from Moodle to Canvas. Therefore, everything is new to our 6th grade teachers and we are able to intro new things to them easily. I in...
Likes: 3
Thanks - I am getting an error message when I click on your link for the tips?
Likes: 0
The hoops we have to jump through with multiple grading periods, in general, are insane.
Likes: 0
Absolutely necessary!!!
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

The hoops we have to jump through with multiple grading periods, in general, are insane.
Oct 15, 2015 09:49 AM
Absolutely necessary!!!
Oct 09, 2015 08:40 AM
Hi! We are in a pilot year with just our 6th grade, transitioning from Moodle to Canvas. Therefore, everything is new to our 6th grade teachers and we are able to intro new things to them easily. I in...
Sep 25, 2015 06:48 AM
Thanks - I am getting an error message when I click on your link for the tips?
Sep 16, 2015 07:21 AM
  Parents in a K-12 environment (Observers) want their calendars and time management tools to match their students' calendar and other time management tools, such as the To Do and Coming Up blocks...
Sep 11, 2015 11:08 AM

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