
Community Participant
Instructional Services Manager
May 11, 2015 10:19:28 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Description:  In the Gradebook instructors need the ability to view students by Group.  It could be as easy as adding a filter by group at the top ...
Likes: 43
Does the course start and end dates override the Term setting for the group export?  I've tried for a class that I need to export the data in, however, it is still providing me with a blank csv fi...
Likes: 0
Has there been any more information regarding the editing or deleting of comments in rubrics?  With the switch to the new community, I do not know if we are still upvoting or if there is a place to vo...
Likes: 0
Hello,To build off of this idea, it would be great if TA's could download the assignment submissions based off "Group Enrollment" as well.  We have very large sections, and with the new im...
Likes: 0
We were excited to see the gradebook enhancement to filter by groups.  However, we also run into the issue of Instructional Coordinators who help facilitate our 350+ enrollment courses were unable...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

Does the course start and end dates override the Term setting for the group export?  I've tried for a class that I need to export the data in, however, it is still providing me with a blank csv fi...
Jan 08, 2021 11:13 AM
Has there been any more information regarding the editing or deleting of comments in rubrics?  With the switch to the new community, I do not know if we are still upvoting or if there is a place to vo...
Sep 14, 2020 08:56 AM
Hello,To build off of this idea, it would be great if TA's could download the assignment submissions based off "Group Enrollment" as well.  We have very large sections, and with the new im...
Aug 29, 2019 09:47 AM
We were excited to see the gradebook enhancement to filter by groups.  However, we also run into the issue of Instructional Coordinators who help facilitate our 350+ enrollment courses were unable...
Aug 28, 2019 14:15 PM
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Description:  In the Gradebook instructors need the ability to view students by Group.  It could be as easy as adding a filter by group at the top ...
Nov 03, 2015 13:02 PM

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