Robin Bartoletti
Community Contributor
Apr 26, 2015 1:22:58 PM
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Instructional designer and educational technologist with a love for collage, sailing and all things geeky. Skills and experience in online course design and development, maker education and design thinking.
Most Liked Posts
If you were sharing at a faculty meeting and had to pick three Canvas tools that anyone could use to enhance their teaching - whether online, blended or face to face - what would you choose? I am con...
This gets the shiny panda award of the day.__________¶¶_¶¶__¶¶_¶¶_¶ _________¶¶_¶¶_¶¶_¶¶_¶¶¶ _____¶¶¶¶¶____________¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ___¶¶¶¶¶_______________¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ __¶¶¶¶¶__________________¶¶¶¶¶¶ __¶¶¶¶________...
In preparation for this session, please see some resources here: Design Thinking for Learning Design I have updated with more resources! 7/8/2016
I found an error on one of our presentations and need to add presenters to the agenda. Who can do this for us? Thank you!
Gerol continuously rocks.
Most Recent Posts
I am curious about what you are using Canva for in Canvas. Are you using it for images? I use it for course banners and creating images, but not for " design course content and embedding that into...
Melanie - What exactly are you looking for? Something for just visual design, or something for interactions, or something else? Have you looked at @ Cidilabs Design Plus for design? (not free) htt...
Ron, Thank you for the information! Robin
For those who recently migrated to Canvas, did you choose to have Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes (or both) turned on? There is a plethora of information about quizzes available in the community - so m...
Greetings - for those of you that have migrated from Blackboard to Canvas:Do you have an estimate on how many hours per course it took you to migrate online courses? I am talking about from course im...
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