
Community Contributor
Apr 22, 2015 3:56:12 PM
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Hi! My name is Bridget Irish. I work at The Evergreen State College and provide Canvas, WordPress, accessibility and UD (Universal Design) support and instruction to faculty, students, and staff.

Most Liked Posts

We looked for any options API-wise but no luck.Any suggestions/work-arounds, please?Thank you for your time and help with this.
Likes: 7
Regarding course sites getting close to maxing their file storage capacity - is there a way to set up notification of this for Admins, please, rather than running a report? 
Likes: 6
Hi  @asatkins ​!We switched to the new UI back in September (2015), shortly before our Fall quarter started and Faculty were back on contract.In general, so far so good- it appears many of our fac...
Likes: 5
We've created a specific Admin role, Training Area Admin, for one of our sub-accounts.The Student View button does not appear for the sub-account Admins,unless a user is added to one of the sub-ac...
Likes: 5
Hi Deactivated user‌!Thanks so much for developing and sharing this lil' gem of functionality - we tested it last week and just added it to our college's production instance today, will let yo...
Likes: 4

Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: There doesn't appear to be the ability to search for content within the published parts of a course, that students have access to, from one central location. The 2 search functi...
Mar 20, 2023 18:12 PM
Thanks so much, @kmeeusen -- and please know, I saw your post much earlier but forgot to reply then! Best wishes, Bridget
Mar 16, 2021 13:12 PM
It appears that when an attached file is removed from a Discussion, that file is also deleted from the site's "Files" page. This is problematic behavior and confusing for users. Current be...
Feb 19, 2021 11:15 AM
@anzaloner Have you seen this thread, "Collaborations Error Message"? It offers a solution.https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Question-Forum/Collaborations-Error-Message/td-p/220138
Jan 07, 2021 19:30 PM
Thank you for this! Our faculty run into this issue sometimes, and I don't think they are checking the box... mystery aside, it's great to have a solution to provide them with a quick resolve!...
Apr 18, 2020 13:49 PM

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