
Brandy Long
Community Participant
Asst. Director of Learning Technologies & Design
Apr 15, 2015 12:58:12 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I wanted to add some positives, since we don't always comment awesomeness.  The term filtering and sort options have saved me sanity and work!  I'm still playing with the other features as I h...
Likes: 7
We are also seeing the multiple messages being transferred to Outlook.  One faculty member just sent me a screenshot from Canvas Communication itself showing she has 5 copies of the same message insid...
Likes: 4
I was referring to the process.  I noted it on the board for James as requested.
Likes: 1
To add to Tom's message for clarification, my accounts are only registered for Renton and Cascadia colleges yet I'm seeing announcements for Shoreline, Seattle Central and several other colleg...
Likes: 1
This is long over due and requested for a long time.  While we have the option of suspending accounts, this option is great for short term options.
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Most Recent Posts

This is long over due and requested for a long time.  While we have the option of suspending accounts, this option is great for short term options.
Sep 26, 2022 15:43 PM
this is definitely over due
Apr 14, 2022 10:38 AM
Is there a reason it's fix-width set to 120px?  Were fill in the blanks only meant to be 5 characters in length, anything longer was an "essay"?
Feb 22, 2022 14:25 PM
Instructors would love this.
Dec 03, 2021 09:54 AM
We are also seeing the multiple messages being transferred to Outlook.  One faculty member just sent me a screenshot from Canvas Communication itself showing she has 5 copies of the same message insid...
Oct 20, 2021 10:00 AM

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