
Community Participant
Apr 15, 2015 11:03:24 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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#1 & #2...Although once we have another year w/ Canvas under our belt I think I would change that to #1 & #3.
Likes: 8
Our students *just* found this feature (we have been using Canvas since 2014.) It is already a nightmare, and teachers and administrators are extremely unhappy. I can imagine this feature being useful...
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We're hoping for this integration as well! Fingers crossed before we're back to distance learning/ a hybrid model in the fall.
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Great idea. This would be huge for us. Imagine the possibilities...chemistry modeling, marking up graphs or Cartesian planes. So many things that could be done without killing trees! :smileygrin:
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Most Recent Posts

Our students *just* found this feature (we have been using Canvas since 2014.) It is already a nightmare, and teachers and administrators are extremely unhappy. I can imagine this feature being useful...
Oct 23, 2024 17:28 PM
We're hoping for this integration as well! Fingers crossed before we're back to distance learning/ a hybrid model in the fall.
Jun 19, 2020 11:33 AM
This has already come up for us several times as well. The calendar (at least a Syllabus?!) feature is the one that teachers access the most to make sure they can see what the students are seeing. Ple...
Aug 21, 2019 10:52 AM
#1 & #2...Although once we have another year w/ Canvas under our belt I think I would change that to #1 & #3.
Oct 15, 2015 12:09 PM

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